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Parter of the Red Sea
Make a way for me
Turn bitter water sweet
Destroy my enemies

Bread of Heaven
I'm hungry
Fill me
Bless this little I have 'til there is plenty and no lack

Calmer of the sea
Speak peace to me
Water from the rock
Overwhelm me

In the wilderness whisper sweet somethings to my heart
I need to hear your voice
I grow faint

Please look at me
Tell me of your love
Guide me to freedom
Hide me
Show me your Goodness

Pesach prayer


I exalt you Yehovah! You ARE G-d! You are One! I willingly believe that. Thank you for your firstborn: Yeshua!; for His redeeming blood. May it never be said that I was so hardhearted to You, that the only way you could be glorified through me was by sealing me in my hardened state. I submit to you. Halleluyah! Yeshua is Yehovah! May my existence be full of life and your light shine brightly, always!


I thank you for your favor; for the wealth of the wicked you have laid up for me. Thank you for making my enemies to be at peace with me and moving them in accordance with my wellbeing that not even a dog’s growl will be heard against me or mine.


I remove leaven from our midst. I say ‘no’ to hypocrisy and undercover evil. I plead the blood of Yeshua over my household; death pass over! Halleluyah!


Yehovah, keep vigil over us as you move us into abundant provision and places of authority. May our freedom bring glory to your name!

